What is Facebook Jail: How To Get Out Of This?
(Find all about the Facebook jail that prevents you from enjoying Facebook to the fullest. the article will give the necessary tips to come out of Facebook jail and avoid the same in the future).Â
You are a good Facebook user. You have used Facebook for years and know the ropes when setting up your profile, uploading your photos, and keeping up with your friends and family. But can you avoid getting into Facebook jail? By being in Facebook jail, I mean being restricted from posting on your profile page for accessing the Facebook API using a program or other method that exceeds limits imposed by the Terms of Use agreement.
If you are an active Facebook user and have heard about being in Facebook jail but know little about it, then you will learn all about Facebook Jail, here, in this article.
Table of Contents
What is Facebook Jail?

The term Facebook jail is used when Facebook locks a user’s account for violating its terms of service. You can also get blocked from the site for hacking, selling drugs, threatening people, or posting revenge porn.
When someone in your network posts something on their timeline that violates Facebook’s community standards, you may see an alert from Facebook saying something like, “User X has posted content that violates our policies.”
If you click through and then choose “report,” you can report it as spam or a hate speech violation — either of which will lead to a ban if your friend has been reported before as well.
It might not be your friend who posted it — the profile could have been hacked by a hacker. The best thing to do here is to leave it alone and let them deal with it themselves. If they do not take care of it quickly enough and their account gets locked, they may need your help to recover their account so they can post again.
What Does Facebook Jail Look Like?

Facebook jail is a temporary ban from Facebook. It can be imposed for violating the site’s terms of service or posting spam/inappropriate content.
Facebook jail is like being banned from Twitter (Twitter jail), but it is more severe because of the number of people using it.
If you have been locked out of Facebook, here is what you need to know about getting back on:
- A temporary ban is usually imposed after someone breaks one of Facebook’s guidelines, such as posting illegal content or using an offensive username. A temporary block can last anywhere from several hours to a few days before the user is allowed back into the site.
- A permanent ban is usually issued when someone has been reported multiple times for violating the same rule(s) and does not respond to requests from Facebook moderators to change their behavior. The most common causes of permanent bans are spamming and hacking into other accounts (whether they belong to you or someone else).
Why am I In Facebook Jail?
Facebook has a large user base and must have strict rules to ensure its users’ safety. While no one wants to be put in Facebook Jail, it is essential to know what could get you there so that you can avoid going there and start enjoying your time on the site again!
Reasons Of Facebook Jail

1. Tagging People In A post, Intending To Bully Or Harass
You can still tag people in a post for a reason other than bullying or harassment. You could tag someone to ask them questions about the post, like whether they saw it. Or you want to share something that might interest them but do not want to bother them with a message first. Facebook encourages sharing content with friends by making it easy for you to find out what your friends are viewing on the site.
2. Violating Intellectual Property Rights
You cannot post someone else’s photo or video on Facebook. You also cannot use someone else’s image or video on Facebook. This applies even if you got the content legally—like from a friend who uploaded it to their profile.
This is because no one owns a photo or video copyright, even if they took it themselves. So, unless they permitted you to use the content this way, it is against Facebook’s rules.
3. Posting Content That Contains Nudity, Pornography, Or Other Adult Content
Facebook is a community with a global audience, so we have different policies for different content. Facebook prohibits nudity, pornography, and other adult content. This includes visual material depicting sexual intercourse (including genitalia), partial or full-frontal nudity, or close-ups of fully naked buttocks.
4. Selling Regulated Goods Like Prescription Drugs.
You cannot sell prescription drugs on Facebook.
5. Impersonating Someone Else On Facebook
You will be in the Facebook Jail if you are doing any of the following:
- Impersonating someone else on Facebook, such as pretending to be a celebrity or business.
- Talking to strangers online or planning to meet up with them.
- Sending or receiving explicit pictures or videos.
If you do any of these things, Facebook will send you a warning first and then kick you out of Facebook Jail if you do not stop immediately.
6. Posting Repeated Updates In A Brief Period
If you post too many updates quickly, Facebook will put you into Facebook Jail. This can happen if:
- You post several posts in a row with the same link or image
- You post the exact text multiple times on your page
7. Posting Content To Multiple Groups, Pages, And Events At Once
You can only post to one group, page, or event. If you want to post the same thing to multiple groups, pages, or events simultaneously, you will need to do it in separate posts.
8. Scamming People with Fake services
If you have used your Facebook account for any of the following activities, then you can get in Facebook Jail:
- Scamming people out of money or trying to defraud them with fake products or services.
- Posting spammy content (such as posts that promote things like get-rich-quick schemes).
- Spreading malware or viruses.
Facebook may ban users from using the platform if they repeatedly violate its terms of service. The platform can ban the user for up to 30 days, but if the violation is for multiple times, the ban may last longer than 30 days.
How Will I Know If I Am In Facebook Jail?

If you are in a Facebook jail, there are a few actions you cannot do:
- It is not possible to post on your timeline or any other page’s timeline.
- You also cannot post in groups or events.
- After being in jail you cannot comment on your friends’ posts or see what they have posted.
- You can’t send messages to anyone.
- You cannot run ads. They require approval from the company before they go live, so do not even try it!
How long will I be in Facebook Jail?

Facebook jail is a term to describe the temporary suspension of your account for violating Facebook’s Terms of Service.
Most suspensions are temporary, but some can be permanent. The possible time of blocking depends on the extent of the violation:
1-2 days:Â For posting a nude photo or other inappropriate content
3-7 days:Â For violating Facebook’s copyright or intellectual property policies
14-30 days:Â For sending spam to people who are not your friends or creating a fake profile for someone else without their permission.
Permanent ban:Â For instance, bullying other people on Facebook or using Facebook to make serious threats against people or sharing some terrorist content.
If Someone Is In Facebook Jail, Can I Still See Their Profile?
Yes. If they are in “Facebook Jail”, you will see their profile. They cannot post or comment on your page until Facebook lifts its ban.
If Facebook has locked someone in Facebook jail and they try to log into their account from another browser, this will not work too.Â
How To Come Out Of Facebook Jail?

If you are stuck in Facebook Jail and you want to come out of this jail, the following steps may help you out. This article will guide you through all the ways to help you get back on Facebook.
1. Stay Calm
The first step is to stay calm. Please take a deep breath and reason about what has happened, why it happened, and how to resolve the issue.
Think about whether there is anything that could have caused this error message (like sending spam messages). Taking a break from Facebook could help clear up your account and give you time.
2. Send A Support Email
Check your email and compose a new message. Tell them how you have tried the steps to solve the problem yourself. Mention that you are not sure what else to do. Attach any relevant screenshots or photos of error messages. Then, send off your message!
Once you have sent off your email to Facebook support, there are some other things you can try before taking drastic measures:
Try logging into another browser on the same device (i.e., Chrome) or a unique device altogether. This could help because there may be an issue with the app version rather than Facebook itself. If this solves your problem, uninstall those apps one by one until finding out which app caused trouble. Reinstall that specific app only from its official source instead of installing any others again, which may cause future difficulties. If this does not work, either move to the next step.
3. Wait For The Help Of Staff To Reply
In our experience, it can take a while for Facebook to get back to you. Sometimes, they may not respond at all. This can frustrate you, but there is no need to panic; this is how things go sometimes. If nothing else, it will at least give you time off from the site until your account is reinstated!
4. Appeal your ban if required

If you feel your ban was unfair, you can appeal it. Email Facebook, and they will review your case. If they find no reason for the ban, they will lift it. If not, then there is nothing much you can do at this stage, and you need to wait until your ban expires!
In case you have been banned from using Facebook on your computer or mobile device because of violating its Community Standards or Terms of Service (TOS), then there are two ways by which you can get unbanned:
You can contact the support team via this link directly from Messenger or their website. They may either unblock your account entirely or give a temporary solution for accessing Facebook until their investigation is complete.Â
4. Make Some Changes To Your Profile, Page, or Group
If you feel your ban was unfair, you can appeal it. Email Facebook, and they will review your case. If they find no reason for the ban, they will lift it. If not, then there is nothing much you can do at this stage, and you need to wait until your ban expires!
In case you have been banned from using Facebook on your computer or mobile device because of violating its Community Standards or Terms of Service (TOS), then there are two ways by which you can get unbanned:
You can contact the support team via this link directly from Messenger or their website. They may either unblock your account entirely or give a temporary solution for accessing Facebook until their investigation is complete.Â
5. Make Some Changes To Your Profile, Page, or Group
You can get out of Facebook jail if you ensure your profile, page, or group complies with Facebook’s terms. The steps below will help you do this:
- Make sure your profile picture is appropriate .Â
- You should not post anything considered offensive or against the law.
- Â Remove anything misinterpreted as violent, sexual, discriminatory, or otherwise questionable content.
How To Avoid Facebook Jail?

The best thing you can do is ensure you do not break any of the site’s rules. Here is a list of common mistakes that put people at risk of going into Facebook Jail as well as tips on how to stay off its radar screen:
1. Do Not Send Too Many Friend Requests.
Two things affect the number of friend requests you can send:
- The time since your last request. For example, if it has been over one day since a friend request to someone, you can send it the next day.
When you reach these limits and exceed them quickly, Facebook prevents users from causing problems for other users’ News Feeds and Pages by sending too many Friend Requests at once.Â
2. Post Authentic Stuff.
Be yourself. Post nothing you would not want to see on your wall or anything that would make your friends frustrated.
Post what you want, not just for posting something daily. We all have social media accounts in the first place—to share our thoughts and keep our loved ones informed of what is going on in our lives, right? Make sure what you share is not disrespectful for any community or religion.
3. Do not post too much in a brief period.
The number one rule for getting out of Facebook jail is this: do not overdo it! Posting too much in a brief period can be the reason.
The more you post, the more likely you are to get blocked by Facebook’s spam filters. The same goes for using your account primarily for marketing—if they suspect that is what you are doing, they will put your page on lockdown.
4. Avoid negative comments.
Avoid posting negative comments. Try to avoid posting anything that could be offensive or illegal. If a comment is inappropriate, you will miss using Facebook for several days. To get out of this situation, make sure that your posts are appropriate and post nothing that could be considered spam.

Facebook Jail is meant for the users safety and security. For every platform, there are rules and regulations that people should follow. Facebook has laid out some terms of use and if you are following them, there is no chance of getting into the jail.