Benefits of Podcasts for SEO Purposes

Benefits of Podcasts for SEO Purposes

There are a lot of different mediums that you can use for SEO purposes. They include blogs, videos, and the copy that is on the landing pages of websites. You may be missing out on using another one: Podcasts.

Ways SEO podcasts Help Your Rankings

Yes, you can use podcasts to gain SEO traffic that will then in turn get people to pay more attention to what you have to say or sell.

Here are ways you can use SEO podcasts to help your rankings:

Better Ranking for Keywords

Like any other piece of content that you create, you need to think about how you are going to construct certain parts of your podcast so that search authorities like Google or other ones will pick up on what you are talking about and then possibly push it higher up the search rankings.

When you are writing the description of the podcast in the summary form, you need to target some words or phrases that people who are interested in your particular niche may use when they are searching. You could  say something like “Portrait Painting Podcast.” Write it in a clear paragraph or two that the search engine can also pick up on.

Also, when you are doing the actual podcast, think about the words that you are saying throughout. Those words will become metadata, so sites like Google can then look at that and see how authoritative it is. You need to start analyzing your audio content. It’s becoming a very important part of overall marketing.

Sticking to a Schedule

There are a lot of people who may be in the same niche as you. The best way to make yourself stand out from them is to post consistently. You want your intended audience to know that you are going to be putting out new content on a reliable basis.

This is one of a couple of ways that you can build trust with them. If you are consistent, you will soon have a loyal audience following that will routinely come see if you have something new – or they may even subscribe so that they can get notifications that you just put your latest podcast up on the site.

There are times that it might feel like it’s a chore, but if you want to do this for a living, there are times where you’re going to have to sit down and do something even if it doesn’t seem like you aren’t feeling terribly inspired on a particular day.

Increase Your Social Media Engagement

There are a lot of different social media sites, with each of them having their own methods of communication and their own plusses and minuses. There are a lot of people that you can reach out to.

Remember, you should do the “social” part of social media. This is where a lot of people make this mistake. They tend to take the wrong habit of just using their platforms as a one-way stream of promoting their brand or things that they are selling.

No … you need to have a constant rapport with your followers, who could be both current and potential. Answer questions they may have or even banter with them. Show that you are a human, too.

As a result, you can gradually incorporate posts that point to your podcast. They will see it as being part of you, not all that you are … and you can gain more listeners that way as well as boost podcast promotion efforts.

Developing Better Relationships

You can use your podcast to grow relationships. Try to find people who are in your niche who might also get more listeners for you. That way, you can gain more respect from peers as you continue to grow your podcast.

It’s all about reputation. Unless you’re a celebrity yourself, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is not likely to appear on your fledgling podcast. As your audience grows and your SEO rankings do too, you might see that you can bring in higher-caliber guests.

Those relationships extend far beyond the people you talk with on your podcast. Engage your listeners, too. Ask them poll questions that they can answer on your site or on social media. Again, don’t make it a one-way street. That can help your reputation, too.

You can also talk on other podcasts to spread awareness. Go on ones like  SEO Optimizers. That way, you can get new listeners from those who listen to the podcast that you were a guest on and vice versa.

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can use podcasts for SEO purposes. Hopefully, one of them will work for you.

Read More:6 Best SEO Practices to Follow in 2023

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